the Victoria Homes Trust
Victoria Homes Trust - improving the lives of children in Northern Ireland since 1882
Funding Guidelines
The Trust has a preference for supporting short-term projects where visible benefits and outcomes are expected over a period of 3-12 months.
The needs of young people are many and the Trust does not wish to overly restrict the scope of applications received by it, however, projects addressing the following needs of children and young persons are particularly welcome:
Alcohol and drugs abuse
Counselling for those in need of guidance, advice and support
The main objects of the Victoria Homes Trust are:
To help and educate young people of both sexes under the age of 21
To develop their physical, mental, spiritual and moral capacities so that they grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved
To assist in the training of young people to enable them to maintain themselves at the termination of their education and training
To assist other non-statutory bodies in carrying out any of the above objects
Grant Level
The amount of grant available is variable. For guidance it should be noted that the majority of grants are in the range of £500 to £2,500. When applying please remember that the approximate grant total per annum for all projects is £50,000/£60,000. Applicants who apply for in excess of £5,000 are almost always rejected or indeed those whose total project cost is in the tens of thousands.
You must be a charity registered in the UK to apply. Only one application is accepted under the same charity registration.
Applicants organised on all-Ireland, all-UK or similar basis are recommended to satisfy the Trust that the benefit of the project will be within Northern Ireland and that any assistance given by the Trust is additional to and not in substitution for other forms of internal or external funding.
The Trust is interested to receive applications where the funding will have a “multiplier” effect by securing or promoting knock-on benefits, e.g. training and outreach programmes which will have a follow-up or cascade effect.
It is important that applicants demonstrate that the project they wish to gain assistance for is confined to the support of children and young adults under the age of twenty-one.
Given the preference for demonstrable benefits, which will apply over a short period of time, the Trust is less likely to assist with projects that involve the improvement of lands or buildings.
General Exclusions
The following activities are not normally supported
Projects whose beneficiaries are outside Northern Ireland
Projects which do not target the needs of children and young people.
Projects for which expenditure has already been incurred
Applications for large projects for which the VHT grant is only a small part
Applications to support playgroups are discouraged.
The Trust is unlikely to contribute towards core running costs of charities and voluntary organisations.
The Trust assists projects within Northern Ireland only. It is not recommended to apply if you have been successful in receiving a grant within two years.